New Release: Isolation (Kid Sensation #8)

For those who have been waiting, I’m happy to announce that Isolation (Kid Sensation #8) has now been released.

As always, I’m excited about finally being able to release the book. I think I mentioned elsewhere that with this title there are now nine Kid Sensation stories and eleven set in the Kid Sensation universe. (And as long as readers are interested, there will be more to come.)  I think it also means that I have more than a million words in print, which is a little hard to wrap my brain around. Pretty soon people are going to start mistaking me for a real writer.

Needless to say, it’s an auspicious title considering the current state of the world, but – as I’ve mentioned on several occasions – that’s been the working title for quite some time.  Oddly enough, however, the second book in the series, Mutation, does deal with a deadly virus. Go figure…

Also, I had previously talked about making the book available for pre-order. Clearly, that didn’t happen.  In essence, having plainly made the pre-order period way too long for Ignotus (Fringe Worlds #3), I’m admittedly still cutting my teeth on this process. That said, I’ll probably try it again in the future and see if I can find – or at least get a little closer to – the sweet spot.

Anyway, as with all my prior novels, I’m glad to finally have this one published and I hope readers enjoy it. In conjunction with the release, I’m running a promotion on the first book in the series: Sensation is on sale for 99 cents this week. Ergo, now’s a great time to pick up a copy – whether for yourself or for a friend.

Now, of course, it’s back to the grindstone.  Many thanks to my readers for all your support, and please stay safe out there.

14 Replies to “New Release: Isolation (Kid Sensation #8)”

  1. Finished reading the book in record time!! Absolutely mind blowing!! Thank You. 🙂 🙂 :). Quick question:: Why is luna on the cover instead of Cat?

    1. Believe it or not, Cat was actually my initial choice for the cover. I don’t know that I had a specific process in this instance for making the final decision, but ultimately I thought Luna would make for an intriguing cover and went in that direction. Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed the book and will think about putting cat on a future cover.

      1. Great!! Btw are you by any chance writing Smokey’s side story? You kept hinting that Jim didn’t know fully what happened to his friend while he went to space. I would love that story on how Smokey and Sarah broke up and how Atlanta came into the mix.

        1. Yes, I’m still working on the Smokescreen novel (working title: Smoked). I’m looking forward to showing a little more of what he can do, and I hope readers will like it.

    1. LOL – glad you enjoyed it. I’ll get the next one out as soon as possible.

  2. Any word on the audiobook? I like to buy e & audio but spent to much time staring at screens lately may have me sticking to audiobooks only for a while

    1. I plan to get the stuff to my narrator this week, but he’s actually booked until June. Long story short, it will probably be a June release unless he gets a cancellation or something (which is why I’m getting him everything early).

  3. Read it over the weekend, by which I mean Friday night and Saturday morning, and I just want to say:
    “I knew it, I was right! He is the Incarnate of statistical improbability!” How could he do all those Incarnate-only things without being an Incarnate? It is statistically improbable!

    Seriously though, another great book, and I look forward to the next in this series.

    1. LOL! I’m glad you enjoyed the book, and you’ll be happy to know I’m working on the next one now.

  4. Great book such a big cliffhanger with future Jim, I was also wondering are we going to see The Pelagic Prince again.

    1. Thanks – glad you enjoyed the book. The Pelagic Prince is an interesting character and is more likely than not to make another appearance, although I haven’t decided how big of a role to give him.

    1. Hmmm. Honestly, that’s a question I haven’t considered in a while – mostly because there seem to be so many other side characters with interesting stories. The answer right now is…probably. I mean, it would most likely be a story where that particular revelation is significant and material. That said, I do have an idea where it could come into play, but we shall see…

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