Kindle Sales Rank

I’ve noticed that some people have done some great work in terms of tracking Amazon book sales rankings and Kindle/ebook sales rankings, so rather than reinvent the wheel (as if I could in some of these instances), I’ve provided the following links:
  • Theresa Ragan’s Sales Ranking Chart – This is a chart that gives you an idea – based on sales rank – of how many books you can expect to sell.  Mrs. Ragan has stated that the sales numbers reported are based on her own experiences, so these are real-world numbers (or number ranges) from an actual person.  (On a side note, she has a very nice site overall and a fantastic indie-publishing success story – not to mention the fact that she kindly gave me permission to reproduce her sales chart below.)


  • KDP Best Seller Calculator – This extremely nifty tool from Kindlepreneur is somewhat similar to Mrs. Ragan’s, except here you plug in the ranking of the book you’re interested in, and it gives you an estimate of how many copies are being sold per day.  For instance, an ebook ranked #2000 in the U.S. is estimated to be selling 90 copies per day, while the estimate for paperback/hard cover at that rank is 65 copies per day. Moreover, it will also provide that information for other major marketplaces, as well as estimate your royalty rate from book sales and earnings from Kindle Unlimited page reads.


  • Audiobook Sales Calculator – Another great tool from Kindlepreneur, this one calculates the number of audio sales based on an audiobook’s rank. However, I think it only relates to Audible titles sold on (i.e., it only applies to rankings on Amazon’s U.S. site). Regardless, I think most will find it incredibly useful.


  • Amazon KDP Book Sales Calculator – This calculator from BookBird is pretty cool. Like several others on this page, it provides daily and monthly book sales based on best seller ranking. However, it goes a step further by providing this data based on marketplace and format. Finally, it’s one of the few calculators that also gives an estimate of royalties.


  • Amazon Book Sales Calculator – From TCK Publishing, this one estimates a book’s daily and monthly sales based on its ranking in the Paid Kindle Store.


  • Book Sales Calculator – From BookBeam, this cool product calculates daily and monthly book sales based ranking, marketplace and format (i.e., print vs. ebook).


  • Kindle Sales Calculator – From Kindle Ranker, this calculator determines an ebook’s daily sales based on its best seller ranking in the Kindle Store.


  • Inside the Amazon Sales Rank – Another one that I found, although I gathered the impression that this was for hard copies as opposed to ebooks.


  • Amazon Movers & Shakers (Kindle) – This is a list of the Kindle books that have had the biggest gains in sales rank over the past 24 hours.  Bearing that in mind, it isn’t really a sales ranking chart, but I tossed it in because it’s related to the topic – it shows books that are on the move – and seems interesting. (There’s also a list of  Movers & Shakers for Print Books.)


  • February 2016 Author Earnings Report – (***Update: The link/site for the Author Earnings Report no longer works, so I’ve tweaked some of the language to reflect that.)  This Hugh Howey/Data Guy report is was always bursting at the seams with great info, and the February 2016 edition also contained this little nugget about sales rank (it’s in it was in the raw data spreadsheet at the end of the report):



One of the things that is most helpful in terms of achieving rank is, of course, marketing; that being the case, please feel free to visit my Book Marketing and Promotion page.  Finally, as mentioned above, here is Teresa Ragan’s Sales Ranking Chart, which I have found to be a pretty good yardstick on this topic:


  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 50,000 to 100,000 – selling close to 1 book a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 10,000 to 50,000 – selling 5 to 15 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 5,500 to 10,000 – selling 15 to 25 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 3,000 to 5,500 – selling 25 to 70 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 1,500 to 3,000 – selling 70 to 100 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 750 to 1,500 – selling 100 to 120 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 500 to 750 – selling 120 to 175 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 350 to 500 – selling 175 to 200 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 200 to 350 – selling 200 to 300 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 35 to 200 – selling 300 to 1,000 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank 20 to 35 – selling 1,000 to 2,000 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank of 5 to 20 – selling 2,000 to 3,000 books a day.
  • Amazon Best Seller Rank of 1 to 5 – selling 3,000+ books a day.


I’m pretty sure there are other ranking/tracking charts and algorithms out there, so please let me know if you encounter any. Also, some may note that this list does not contain all of the sites that were previously listed on my old blog. Sadly, several sites that previously tracked this type of info are no longer in operation, but I’ll try to keep the list current.

DISCLAIMER:  I make no assertions about the timeliness or veracity of the information contained in the links on this page.