New Audiobook Release: Efferus (Fringe Worlds #2)

In my continuing effort to produce audio versions of all my books, I’m happy to say that the audiobook for Efferus (Fringe Worlds #2) has been released.

As always, releasing audiobooks presents a bit of a different challenge that doing ebooks or print. As I posted recently here, it can be be fairly expensive, and then there’s the wait you must endure – after everything is done – before it goes on sale. (I think it took two weeks this time, same as the last one).

I like to think that this one came together nicely. Once again, I believe my narrator did an excellent job and I hope listeners will enjoy this it. If you don’t have an Audible account, you can get a 30-day free trial and a free copy of Efferus by signing up here.

Thanks again, everyone, for all of your support. Now it’s back to grinding on the next book.